Pakhuise – Aandag vrugte en neut kwekers en verspreiders
Het jy ‘n pakhuis of pakhuise as deel van jou verspreidingsplatform? Is die betonvloer in jou pakhuis beskadig of gekraak en veroorsaak dit skade aan jou vurkhyser? Is die toestand van jou betonvloer in jou pakhuis ‘n probleem en beinvloed dit jou produktiwiteit en finansies? CLF Concrete Laser Flooring is ‘n gespesialiseerde kontrakteur vir industriële […]
Indoor cricket centre brings world-class, all-weather facility to Khayelitsha
Industrial concrete flooring experts, Concrete Laser Flooring (CLF) were awarded the contract to supply and place the concrete floor at the brand-new Indoor Cricket Facility at Chris Hani Secondary School in Khayelitsha. This was a project undertaken and managed by the Gary Kirsten Foundation and forms part of the ‘GKF Centre of Cricket Excellence’. The […]
Is your damaged freezer floor reducing productivity? Permanent repair in just 10 minutes…
Concrete Laser Flooring has the perfect solution for damaged freezer floors, effective at -30°C with minimal downtime. You can continue to work while we work. Repairing freezer floors almost always has to be done while the freezer is still operational – anything between -20°C to -30°C and it has to be done quickly – the […]
Damaged packhouse floors? We can help
If your floor is damaged and costing you money; ruining productivity and forklifts, get in touch with Concrete Laser Flooring. We can help you to optimise the use of your packhouse floor and cut operating costs. As a grower and distributor of fruit, nuts and vegetables, the efficiency and cost effectiveness of your distribution function […]
Concrete floor cast in record time at Courier Guy’s new Distribution Centre
Concrete Laser Flooring installed 8000m2 of internal concrete flooring and 12 200m2 of concrete hardstand at Courier Guy’s new distribution centre in Cape Town
CLF is COVID-19 Compliant
CLF wishes to notify and reassure all out customers that we are operating and COVID compliant according to the gazetted occupational health and safety measure in workplaced COVID-19 (C19OHS) 2020. Employees practice social distancing of 1.5m Employees are screened on a daily basis and anyone presenting symptoms is prohibited from working Employees wear cloth masks […]
We visit a floor we did 12 years ago
It is always a pleasure being able to visit one of our floors on its 12th birthday, and appreciate how professional work can benefit a client’s operations. It is clear that by ensuring you place the right floor, you mitigate against maintenance and health and safety costs.
CLF Floor Reviva
New from CLF! CLF Floor Reviva Kit Floor protection and maintenance kit Ideal for cleaning and maintaining power floated finished concrete floors Water based and pH neutral
CLF’s New Vehicle Fleet 2016
Look out for our new fleet on the roads! CLF has updated it’s fleet to ensure our teams are safely transported.
CLF Teams Visits Finland
Inex Partners Oy – Distribution Centre Helsinki On Thursday 10th March, CLF joined Mr Gary Benatar (ILS) and Mr Sebastian Dockter (WSP), for a visit to the Inex Partners Distribution Centre in Helsinki, Finland. The purpose of the visit was to see the 180 000m2 PrimeComposite Seamless floor which had been poured in 2015. Peter […]