Inex Partners Oy – Distribution Centre Helsinki
On Thursday 10th March, CLF joined Mr Gary Benatar (ILS) and Mr Sebastian Dockter (WSP), for a visit to the Inex Partners Distribution Centre in Helsinki, Finland. The purpose of the visit was to see the 180 000m2 PrimeComposite Seamless floor which had been poured in 2015.
Peter Norton and Angus Ryan of CLF, had the opportunity to inspect the floor, and discuss the innovative benefits of the CLF Seamlesss flooring system with Gary and Sebastian, which offers no saw cuts, no joints and no curling.
Inside the Distribution Centre
Seamless solution allowing effortless forklift traffic.
Project Information: Inex Partners Oy – Distribution Centre Helsinki
- Use: Food handling, storage and distribution
- Size: 180 000 m2
- Baysizes: 1 000m2 up to 2 500m2
- Joints: Mix of Alpha joint and seamless joint
- Loads: 41 kN till 282 kN
- Slab Thickness: Due to varying loads and 30 m high racking, floor thickenings and deepings were present: 130mm-220mm(some places even 250mm)