
Post Tension

The post tensioning entails the insertion of high tensile steel cables in two directions in the slab that are pre-stressed in two stages in order to compress the concrete and prevent cracking of the slab.

This kind of jointless floor enables CLF to use less concrete, as the floor can be poured thinner to produce jointless flooring which is a common trend at the moment.

Post-tensioned (PT) slabs are typically flat slabs, band beam and slabs or ribbed slabs. PT slabs offer the thinnest slab type, as concrete is worked to its strengths, mostly being kept in compression. Longer spans can be achieved due to pre-stress, which can also be used to counteract deflections.

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Post-tensioned slabs use high-strength tensioned steel strands to compress the slabs, keeping the majority of the concrete in compression. This gives a very efficient structure which minimises material usages and decreases the economic span range when compared to reinforced concrete.